воскресенье, 30 сентября 2012 г.

Aetna HealthFund Study Finds Consumer-Directed Plans Offer Employers, Consumers Cost Savings - Manufacturing Close-Up

Employers that replaced their traditional health benefits planswith Aetna HealthFund consumer-directed plans saved $21.5 millionover a five-year period for every 10,000 members, based on a recentstudy of Aetna health care claims and utilization.

The study showed that members of consumer-directed plans accessedmore preventive care and screenings than people with traditionalPreferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans. In addition, AetnaHealthFund reported that plan members were more engaged health careconsumers and continued to get the care they need.

The study, which is the longest-running review of consumer-directed health plans in the industry, included more than 2 millionAetna members. The Company noted that the study compared people withPPOs and those with Aetna HealthFund plans, which consist of HealthSavings Accounts (HSA) and Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA).When compared to PPO members, HSA members used online tools to lookup cost information nearly three times as often and took a healthassessment twice as often.

'Aetna has been on the forefront of the consumer-directed healthplan movement since the beginning,' said Aetna CEO and PresidentMark Bertolini. 'The rising cost of health care has been a concernfor companies for many years now. We have shown that by workingtogether to engage consumers in their own care and by giving themeasy-to-understand tools and actionable information, we can helpcompanies keep their employees healthy and save money.'

While companies that switched completely to Aetna HealthFundplans reaped the highest cost savings, those that offered AetnaHealthFund HRA and HSA plans as one option experienced savings of $9million over five years for every 10,000 members enrolled in allhealth plan options. Among other findings, Aetna HealthFund saidthat members in the Company's plans:

-Spent 12 percent more on preventive care and accessed higherlevels of screenings for breast and cervical cancer compared tomembers in PPO plans. In particular, diabetics in the AetnaHealthFund plans accessed screenings at higher rates than diabeticmembers in PPO plans;

-Visited the emergency room for non-urgent care five percent lessthan members in a PPO plan; and

-Used the prescription drugs to treat chronic conditions, such asdiabetes, heart failure, high blood pressure and high cholesterol,at rates similar to PPO members.

The results also showed that HSAs continue to demonstrate moredramatic savings than HRAs. HSA members had 15 percent lower primarycare physician utilization for non-routine visits, which may includea cold or sore throat, the Company reported that 11 percent lowerspecialist utilization and 9 percent lower overall medical costs in2009.

The study looked at nearly 2.3 million members, which consistedof 1.8 million members whose employer offered an Aetna HealthFundproduct but who chose another product, and 498,000 Aetna HealthFundmembers. The study period extended from Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31,2009.

In addition, this year the study analyzed the impact of plandesign on cost savings. Aetna HealthFund noted that employers thatoffered plans that required increased member responsibilityexhibited the best 2009 total cost trends. Specifically, those whooffered Aetna HealthFund plans with deductibles of at least $1,500for individuals experienced approximately 4 percent lower total costtrend than plans with deductibles that were less than $1,000.

The Aetna HealthFund reported that its study also providesemployers with examples of how to maximize the potential of theirAetna HealthFund plan, including:

-Designing a plan that includes appropriate levels of memberresponsibility;

-Encouraging employees to enroll in the consumer-directed planoption by lowering the employees' contribution levels or increasingthe amount of funds in the account;

-Communicating and educating members on how to use the plans; and

-Offering wellness programs and incentives for healthy behaviors.

Aetna is a diversified health care benefits company.

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