Aetna and the Aetna Foundation have awarded $105,278 in community grants and sponsorships in Washington State during 2010.
In a release, the groups said that the grants were made to organizations addressing a variety of health issues, including obesity among adults and children, racial and ethnic equity in health care, and needed improvements in the integration and coordination of health care services. In addition, grants were made in support of human services programs to improve the lives of Washingtonians.
The seven Washington recipients were:
-American Diabetes Association Western Washington;
-American Heart Association;
-Eastside Domestic Violence Program (EDVP);
-Health Care Conference Administrators;
-Lifelong AIDS Alliance;
-Senior Services; and
-Washington State Medical Education and Research Foundation.
'Aetna is pleased and proud to support nonprofit organizations here in Washington that are working to make a difference on key health and wellness challenges we face in our communities,' said Norm Seabrooks, Aetna's local market president for Washington State.
A $25,000 sponsorship was awarded to the American Diabetes Association Western Washington State and Idaho for the 2011 ADA Expo, Step Out Walk Team and Tour de Cure.
The American Heart Association received a $2,500 sponsorship for the Go Red for Women Luncheon, an educational luncheon that promotes healthy lifestyles.
Eastside Domestic Violence Program was awarded a $5,000 grant for its Safe Passage Breakfast, which raises funds that will provide safety, support and access to education and training for victims and their children.
The Health Care Conference Administrators received an $18,000 grant for the National Accountable Care Organization Summit.
A $10,000 sponsorship was given to the Lifelong AIDS Alliance for its 24th Annual Seattle AIDS Walk, which raises money to improve the access of HIV/AIDS-positive people to health services.
The Washington State Medical Education and Research Foundation received a $15,000 grant to develop and implement outreach events to improve the health and well being of Washingtonians.
A $30,000 grant was awarded to Senior Services of King County for its six-week workshop, Living Well with Chronic Conditions, that helps older adults manage their health conditions.
Nationwide during 2010, Aetna and the Aetna Foundation gave $15.6 million in grants and sponsorships. In addition, the Aetna employees, retirees and directors donated an additional $6.9 million through the company's matching gift program, bringing combined giving in communities where Aetna employees and customers live and work to $22.5 million. And, Aetna's employees donated more than dollars, generously giving nearly 335,000 hours of their personal time and talents in communities nationwide. Since 2003, Aetna employees have logged more than 2.3 million volunteer hours.
'During 2010, Aetna and the Aetna Foundation were pleased to provide grants and sponsorships to 661 nonprofit organizations nationwide, and to match the generosity of our employees to another 9,492 organizations within our communities,' said Anne C. Beal, M.D., M.P.H., Aetna Foundation president. 'We also made significant progress toward our goals of concentrating our grants on specific health issues of national concern, giving nearly $2.35 million to the fight against obesity, $1.24 million to improve racial and ethnic equity in health and health care, and more than $1 million to support better integrated health care in America.'
The Aetna Foundation is a national health foundation and the independent charitable and philanthropic arm of Aetna.
Aetna is a diversified health care benefits company.
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