понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

Aetna Signs Pact with Herae to Supply Health Care Payment Solutions - Manufacturing Close-Up

-Herae, a healthcare electronic payment service provider, hassigned an agreement with Aetna.

According to a release, Herae's DirectERA replaces every aspectof paper-based processes with an electronic version. These solutionsinclude Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA), an electronic documentdetailing claims payments, as well as Electronic Funds Transfers(EFT), which are electronic payments of funds into a providers' bankaccount. DirectERA is an all-payer solution that is secure, HIPAA-compliant and requires no software upgrades.

'Using health information technology helps us simplify paymentand administrative tasks,' says Chere Parton, head of AetnaeSolutions. 'This makes it easier for the medical community to dobusiness with us and helps us improve the cost-efficiency of healthcare.'

Jim Ribelin, CEO at HERAE, said, 'We looked at the challengeswith paper payment systems and have made simplifying administrativetasks a key focus of our solutions. We are excited about workingwith Aetna to help providers adopt electronic solutions that helpthem save time, money and resources.'

Aetna is a health care benefits company.

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